![[自贸港英语]爱丁堡大学博鳌国际糖尿病中心开放预约 - 第1张 - 自贸港在线 [自贸港英语]爱丁堡大学博鳌国际糖尿病中心开放预约 - 第1张](https://ftpol.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020080411455650.png)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the University of Edinburgh announced the setting up of a One Health Center to study human health, animals and the environment. The center will focus on major health problems and management between humans, animals and the environment and cultivate talent to provide technology and policy consultation for the government and carry out research.
One Health:全健康
cultivate talent:培养人才
Hainan Island and Shanghai’s Chongming Island will become two training and research sites for the One Health Center. The University of Edinburgh works with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Merchants Group, and the Hainan government to help the province of Hainan establish a strong One Health force, through research, education and global reach.
海南岛和上海崇明岛将成为One Health Center的两个培训和研究场所。爱丁堡大学将与上海交通大学,招商局集团和海南省政府合作,通过研究,教育和全球影响力,帮助海南省建立强大的“全健康”力量。
China Merchants Group:招商局集团
global reach:全球影响力
The University of Edinburghfounded in 1582, Alumni of the university include some of the major figures of modern history, including 3 signatories of the American declaration of independence and 9 heads of state and government (including 3 Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom). Edinburgh receives approximately 60,000 applications every year, making it the second most popular university in the UK by volume of applications.
major figures:重要人物
Edinburgh's medical school is renowned throughout the world. It was widely considered the best medical school in the English-speaking world throughout the 18th century and first half of the 19th century.